Preschool Ballet (Ages 3-5) is a 30-minute class introducing our tiny dancers to the basic language and movement of ballet. Class will also incorporate singing and the use of props to make learning the basics fun. Open to preschoolers who do not need parent assistance.
Tap & Intro to Jazz (ages 4-8) us a 30-minute class continuing on the basic movement and language of tap. Class will also incorporate jazz moves and occasionally introduce some basic hip hop movement. Props also used to double the fun!
Ballet is a 30-minute class teaching the foundation of all beautiful dancing, including proper footwork, posture and balance. This class will also help increase flexibility and coordination.
Lyrical will continue to focus on ballet technique, while adding contemporary dance elements and more feeling into movements.
Tap is a 30-minute class teaches basic tap rhythm and sounds and quick footwork. Beginners will learn basic Broadway style tap choreography, while more advanced dancers will learn the basics of rhythmic tapping. Come learn how to put those fancy feet into action!
Jazz/Hip Hop is a fun and energetic class combining elements of jazz, street jazz and jazz funk set to popular music of today. Learn about Leaps, kicks, turns and much more!! This class may also incorporate breakdance/freezing skills on mats. Learn to feel the beat and make it your own.
All-Starz Team is our competitive program open by invitation only to current students. This group performs at community and charity events, as well as competes throughout the year at Regional/National competitions.
Shoe and attire policy for the 24-25 Year will be released in August